Key Stage 1
We have lots of fun throughout the year with our fantastic topics. Please read our curriculum for the current term in the attachments below.
Our teachers and LSAs are:
Mrs Nicki Holmes - Year 1 Leader
Year one:
- Hedgehog-Mrs Sarah Thatcher, Ms Lianne Payton-Butcher
- Swan – Mrs Maria Bowley/Mrs Polly Herron
- Fox- Mrs Nicki Holmes and Mrs Shaini Morris
Mr Richard Hodgkins- Year 2 Leader
Year two:
- Owl- Mr Richard Hodgkins and Miss Aimee Chilvers
- Mouse- Miss Nuala Payne/Ms Maddie Rogers and Mrs Kolsum Taradfer
- Squirrel- Miss Abigail Saunders and Miss Sue Plunkett and Ms Kate Lake
Year 1 and 2:
Dolphin (SSC class) - Miss Joanna Turner (Teacher in charge)
- Ms Jenny Spring (Learning Support Assistant)
- Ms Meike Purser (Learning Support Assistant)
- Ms Sian Marshall (Learning Support Assistant)
We love to learn about the world around us and we are also very creative. We enjoy participating in many productions such as; the Christmas show and our end of Year 2 leavers assembly.
Our P.E. lessons are twice a week. We have one indoors and one outdoors. Children need named P.E kits in school. Please can these include warmer items such as; tracksuit bottoms, jumper and trainers, ready for the winter.
Guided Reading: Your child will read regularly with a class teacher and will change their book during these times. Children are encouraged to choose books from the book corner as often as they wish. Please remember to write a comment in your child's planner everyday about their daily reading.
Home learning activities include learning core words, which will be assessed and changed regularly by the class teacher until they have reached Set 10. In Year 2, please practise reading the list of High Frequency words which was sent out at the start of term. Children will also have a spelling booklet each term with a range of words to practise spelling. We will not test the children on these spellings but expect to see them spelt correctly within their writing in class. For more information, please speak to your child’s class teacher or the Key Stage One Leader.
National Curriculum Document - Framework for Key Stages 1 to 4