Week beginning 26th April
Dear Parents
We have had a lovely first week back in school and all the children have enjoyed the sunshine and our broader curriculum. Year two have been looking at the design of healthy fruit salads ready to develop and make their own. I am sure they would then love to make them at home for the whole family to try.
The children have been developing their drawing and painting skills since returning to school in March and their flower drawings and paintings are stunning. A small gallery of this work is being prepared for the website and I will let you know when this is ready.
Star Reader
Please find attached this week’s star readers and their book recommendations.
Holiday Forms
As the restrictions are beginning to relax, I am beginning to receive requests for time off school for holidays. I would like to clarify the school’s policy on this. I am not able to authorise time off from school for holidays and these days will therefore be registered as unauthorised. If a child accrues 5 days unauthorised absence, this must be referred to the pupil entitlement team who can then issue a fine.
I am aware that many families have had holidays cancelled due to the pandemic and that holiday companies are not always being flexible about when these can be rebooked. If you can prove that you originally booked a holiday out of school time and are now only being offered dates within the school term, the school will consider whether this constitutes exceptional circumstances and may be able to authorise up to 5 days.
With thanks
Theresa Alford