Week beginning 14th March
Dear Parents
It has been wonderful to have the children back in school this week. They settled fantastically and clearly enjoyed seeing their teacher and meeting with all their friends. We will continue next week with a curriculum that supports their emotional wellbeing while we finish assessing any significant loss of learning.
A couple of general reminders
- On PE days, we are happy for the children to wear jogging/tracksuit bottoms, but could they please wear their usual school polo shirt and jumper.
- Please avoid putting water bottles inside bookbags as we regularly have leaks that then destroy home/school books.
- The return of all children has inevitably increased the traffic outside the school. Local residents have requested that I remind parents to not park over driveways. If possible, please park away from the school and walk the final part of your journey. The traffic situation is often stressful and significantly unsafe for families crossing the road.
- There is an INSET day booked for Thursday 1st April . This means the last day of term for children will be Wednesday 31st March.
With Thanks
Theresa Alford