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Week beginning 8.3.21

Dear Parents

We are all looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school tomorrow. Our first week’s curriculum has been developed to ensure we support children to settle back into routines and spend quality time with their friends. 

I have been asked by the home learning team of teachers to say a huge thank you to all our parents who have been home educating their children.  Teachers cannot sing your praises enough in terms of the effort and dedication you have put in.  I have been told many examples of how parents have upskilled themselves and worked tirelessly to support their children, often learning strategies that are quite different from those used when they were at school.  I hope that one of the positives that can come out of this situation is that parents feel they have a better understanding of how to support their children’s learning.  I know many people will worry about whether their child has fallen behind, but there is no doubt that with your dedication the children have been progressing.  We will be assessing the children carefully over the next couple of weeks to ensure any additional support can be put in place if needed. 


Because the children are often doing the golden mile and additional physical activities outside of their PE lessons, we are happy for children to come to school each day in trainers.  Please do not send your children to school with boots or any shoes with a high heel as this will mean they cannot access the playground equipment safely.

Lovely News

I am happy to announce that Mrs Gunner is expecting a baby in June.  We will let parents in Swan Class know the school arrangements around this as soon as we are able.  Swan Class will now be located in what was Squirrel Classroom.  This is the room just opposite the one they have been used to.  

We look forward to welcoming everyone back in the morning and please let your children know how excited teachers are about seeing them again. 

With Thanks

Theresa Alford